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#!/usr/bin/env perl use utf8; use strict; use warnings; sub printHello { print "Hello, world!\n"; } MAIN: { binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); binmode(STDERR, ":utf8"); binmode(STDIN, ":utf8"); printHello(); }
$ perl
Hello, world!
#!/usr/bin/env perl use utf8; use strict; use warnings; sub printHello { my ($name) = @_; print "Hello, ", $name, "!\n"; } MAIN: { binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); binmode(STDERR, ":utf8"); binmode(STDIN, ":utf8"); printHello("Fred"); printHello("Wilma"); printHello("Barney"); printHello("Betty"); }
$ perl
Hello, Fred!
Hello, Wilma!
Hello, Barney!
Hello, Betty!
#!/usr/bin/env perl use utf8; use Utils; use strict; use warnings; sub squared { my ($j) = @_; return $j * $j; } MAIN: { binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); binmode(STDERR, ":utf8"); binmode(STDIN, ":utf8"); for (my $i = 1; $i <= 10; ++$i) { print Utils::messageFormat("\{0:d\}^2 = \{1:d\}", $i, squared($i)), "\n"; } }
$ perl
1^2 = 1
2^2 = 4
3^2 = 9
4^2 = 16
5^2 = 25
6^2 = 36
7^2 = 49
8^2 = 64
9^2 = 81
10^2 = 100
#!/usr/bin/env perl use utf8; use Utils; use strict; use warnings; sub exponentiation { my ($base, $powerArg) = @_; my $power = $powerArg; my $result = 1; while ($power > 0) { $result *= $base; --$power; } return $result; } MAIN: { binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); binmode(STDERR, ":utf8"); binmode(STDIN, ":utf8"); for (my $b = 1.1; $b < 2.05; $b += 0.1) { for (my $p = 2; $p <= 10; ++$p) { print Utils::messageFormat("\{0:f\} ^ \{1:d\} = \{2:f\}", $b, $p, exponentiation($b, $p)), "\n"; } } }
$ perl
1.100000 ^ 2 = 1.210000
1.100000 ^ 3 = 1.331000
1.100000 ^ 4 = 1.464100
1.100000 ^ 5 = 1.610510
1.100000 ^ 6 = 1.771561
1.100000 ^ 7 = 1.948717
1.100000 ^ 8 = 2.143589
1.100000 ^ 9 = 2.357948
1.100000 ^ 10 = 2.593742
1.200000 ^ 2 = 1.440000
1.200000 ^ 3 = 1.728000
1.200000 ^ 4 = 2.073600
1.200000 ^ 5 = 2.488320
1.200000 ^ 6 = 2.985984
1.200000 ^ 7 = 3.583181
1.200000 ^ 8 = 4.299817
1.200000 ^ 9 = 5.159780
1.200000 ^ 10 = 6.191736
1.300000 ^ 2 = 1.690000
1.300000 ^ 3 = 2.197000
1.300000 ^ 4 = 2.856100
1.300000 ^ 5 = 3.712930
1.300000 ^ 6 = 4.826809
1.300000 ^ 7 = 6.274852
1.300000 ^ 8 = 8.157307
1.300000 ^ 9 = 10.604499
1.300000 ^ 10 = 13.785849
1.400000 ^ 2 = 1.960000
1.400000 ^ 3 = 2.744000
1.400000 ^ 4 = 3.841600
1.400000 ^ 5 = 5.378240
1.400000 ^ 6 = 7.529536
1.400000 ^ 7 = 10.541350
1.400000 ^ 8 = 14.757891
1.400000 ^ 9 = 20.661047
1.400000 ^ 10 = 28.925465
1.500000 ^ 2 = 2.250000
1.500000 ^ 3 = 3.375000
1.500000 ^ 4 = 5.062500
1.500000 ^ 5 = 7.593750
1.500000 ^ 6 = 11.390625
1.500000 ^ 7 = 17.085938
1.500000 ^ 8 = 25.628906
1.500000 ^ 9 = 38.443359
1.500000 ^ 10 = 57.665039
1.600000 ^ 2 = 2.560000
1.600000 ^ 3 = 4.096000
1.600000 ^ 4 = 6.553600
1.600000 ^ 5 = 10.485760
1.600000 ^ 6 = 16.777216
1.600000 ^ 7 = 26.843546
1.600000 ^ 8 = 42.949673
1.600000 ^ 9 = 68.719477
1.600000 ^ 10 = 109.951163
1.700000 ^ 2 = 2.890000
1.700000 ^ 3 = 4.913000
1.700000 ^ 4 = 8.352100
1.700000 ^ 5 = 14.198570
1.700000 ^ 6 = 24.137569
1.700000 ^ 7 = 41.033867
1.700000 ^ 8 = 69.757574
1.700000 ^ 9 = 118.587876
1.700000 ^ 10 = 201.599390
1.800000 ^ 2 = 3.240000
1.800000 ^ 3 = 5.832000
1.800000 ^ 4 = 10.497600
1.800000 ^ 5 = 18.895680
1.800000 ^ 6 = 34.012224
1.800000 ^ 7 = 61.222003
1.800000 ^ 8 = 110.199606
1.800000 ^ 9 = 198.359290
1.800000 ^ 10 = 357.046723
1.900000 ^ 2 = 3.610000
1.900000 ^ 3 = 6.859000
1.900000 ^ 4 = 13.032100
1.900000 ^ 5 = 24.760990
1.900000 ^ 6 = 47.045881
1.900000 ^ 7 = 89.387174
1.900000 ^ 8 = 169.835630
1.900000 ^ 9 = 322.687698
1.900000 ^ 10 = 613.106626
2.000000 ^ 2 = 4.000000
2.000000 ^ 3 = 8.000000
2.000000 ^ 4 = 16.000000
2.000000 ^ 5 = 32.000000
2.000000 ^ 6 = 64.000000
2.000000 ^ 7 = 128.000000
2.000000 ^ 8 = 256.000000
2.000000 ^ 9 = 512.000000
2.000000 ^ 10 = 1024.000000
#!/usr/bin/env perl use utf8; use Utils; use strict; use warnings; sub factorial { my ($x) = @_; if ($x <= 1) { return 1; } return $x * factorial($x - 1); } MAIN: { binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); binmode(STDERR, ":utf8"); binmode(STDIN, ":utf8"); for (my $x = 1; $x < 10; ++$x) { print Utils::messageFormat("\{0:d\}! = \{1:d\}", $x, factorial($x)), "\n"; } }
File not found!: /kunden/homepages/39/d957328751/htdocs/pureprogrammer/pl/examples/output/Functions5.out
#!/usr/bin/env perl use utf8; use Utils; use strict; use warnings; sub reverseList { my ($x) = @_; my $y = []; for (my $i = scalar(@{$x}) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { push(@{$y}, $x->[$i]); } return $y; } MAIN: { my $names = ["Fred", "Wilma", "Barney", "Betty"]; foreach my $name (@$names) { print "Hello, ", $name, "!\n"; } $names = reverseList($names); foreach my $name (@$names) { print "Hello, ", $name, "!\n"; } print Utils::listToString($names), "\n"; }
$ perl
Hello, Fred!
Hello, Wilma!
Hello, Barney!
Hello, Betty!
Hello, Betty!
Hello, Barney!
Hello, Wilma!
Hello, Fred!
[Betty, Barney, Wilma, Fred]
#!/usr/bin/env perl use utf8; use Utils; use strict; use warnings; sub convertKMtoMiles { my ($x) = @_; my $y = {}; foreach my $planet (keys(%$x)) { $y->{$planet} = int($x->{$planet} * 0.621371 + 0.5); } return $y; } MAIN: { my $planetDiametersInKM = { "Mercury" => 4879, "Venus" => 12103, "Earth" => 12756, "Mars" => 6794, "Jupiter" => 142985, "Saturn" => 120534, "Uranus" => 51115, "Neptune" => 49534, "Pluto" => 2374, "Ceres" => 946, "Eris" => 2326, "Makemake" => 1430 }; my $planetDiametersInMiles = convertKMtoMiles($planetDiametersInKM); foreach my $planet (keys(%$planetDiametersInMiles)) { print $planet, " has a diameter of ", $planetDiametersInMiles->{$planet}, " miles\n"; } }
$ perl
Neptune has a diameter of 30779 miles
Venus has a diameter of 7520 miles
Makemake has a diameter of 889 miles
Mars has a diameter of 4222 miles
Jupiter has a diameter of 88847 miles
Saturn has a diameter of 74896 miles
Ceres has a diameter of 588 miles
Earth has a diameter of 7926 miles
Eris has a diameter of 1445 miles
Uranus has a diameter of 31761 miles
Pluto has a diameter of 1475 miles
Mercury has a diameter of 3032 miles
#!/usr/bin/env perl use utf8; use Utils; use strict; use warnings; sub swap { my ($x) = @_; my $y; $y = [$x->[1], $x->[0]]; return $y; } MAIN: { my $pair1 = ["Hello", 5]; my $pair2; $pair2 = swap($pair1); print Utils::tupleToString($pair1), " becomes ", Utils::tupleToString($pair2), "\n"; }
$ perl
<Hello, 5> becomes <5, Hello>
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